Sunday, December 25, 2011

How to Retain Call Center Employees

The call center services industry is notorious for having high turnover rates for live operators. Many times call center managers feel like they are constantly hiring and training new employees in order to replace the ones which have left. The key to retaining employees is keeping the call center staff motivated and interested in their jobs. Additionally, it is important to properly screen job applicants.

Skill Enhancement

A common reason employees quit a professional call center is lack of intellectual stimulation. In other words, employees become bored. One solution is to develop multiple skill sets of certain employees. Managers can do this by assigning multiple call center campaigns to employees who seem most interested. This will keep them from becoming bored of performing the same job function every day. This will also develop skill sets and work experience, which can help them their careers, therefore providing incentive and motivation. However, managers should not force this upon any employees. Some employees are perfectly satisfied with doing only one job function on a daily basis.

Promote Active Participation

Employees who are encouraged to actively participate in the management of the call center business will feel more empowered. When an employee feels insignificant and unimportant he or she may experience dissatisfaction. This increases the chances of attrition, therefore reducing efficiency. Call center managers can promote active participation and employee empowerment by asking the employees for suggestions on managing the call center business. Forming teams and creating contests, to reward effective work performance enhances interest and motivation.

Offer Promotion Opportunities

Employees are more motivated when there is an incentive to perform. Call center managers can offer is the possibility of being promoted within the company as an incentive. This provides employees a reason to continue their careers with the company and fosters a sense of ownership. If there are no promotion opportunities available, then employees will eventually begin to look elsewhere to further their careers. This causes high turnover and forces management to spend more time, money, and energy on hiring and training new employees.

Treat Employees Like Real People

Call center managers have an easier time retaining employees if they have empathy for employees' lives outside of work. The call center services industry refers to this as the employee's work-life balance. Employees have various personal obligations to family and friends outside of work, which may affect their performance at the workplace. Live operators working at a professional call center can be a stressful job. Therefore, call center representatives need time to recharge by enjoying free time in their personal lives. Managers should consider employee work-life balance when scheduling to ensure employees have enough time off in between shifts to rest. Management should consult with each employee to make sure they understand the employee's personal needs and to address any problems with his or her work-life balance.

Keep Things Fun and Positive

A fun and positive work environment helps retain employees and reduce attrition. Motivational games help to keep employees interested and increases productivity. Many call center businesses give away prizes to employees who perform well. Some call center managers will treat their employees to the occasional free lunch or party in order to build a sense of teamwork. Allowing employees to dress casually on specific days or perhaps even every day will also keep the work environment relaxed and free from stress. Permitting regular breaks helps relieve stress caused by answering the phone. These call center management techniques boost morale, while keeping the work place fun and positive.

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