Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Outsourcing Lead Generation Saves Money and Increases Revenue

If your business requires generating leads in order to create sales and revenue, then outsourcing to a professional call center may be an effective solution. Although your sales team may be top notch quality and are perfectly capable of cold calling and generating leads, it may not be the most efficient use of human resources. Outsourcing cold calls and lead generation can increase efficiency and save money. It can also save you time on hiring individual telemarketers.

Increased Efficiency

Like most business owners, you are probably always looking for ways to increase efficiency. This may include administrative tasks, marketing, and a variety of other aspects. However, your sales process is one of the most important elements. If your sales process includes a large volume of cold calling to generate sales leads, then outsourcing to a call center service provider may be beneficial. Professional call centers use the most advanced sales technology. They may also already have a cold calling list in your target market.

Reducing Expenses

Another way to increase your bottom line is by reducing expenses related to running your business. This will also include expenses related to your sales process. Although it may make sense for some businesses to purchase equipment in order to have their own on-site call center, most businesses have so many other aspects to manage that this is not a viable option. Outsourcing to a call center provider can save you on overhead for the space required to operate your own call center. It will also save you money from buying your own call center equipment, which may include bulk phone line installation, desks, cubicles, computers, and head sets.

Save Time and Resources

Outsourcing lead generation may also save you time on hiring individual telemarketers. It may take awhile to find the right people to fill your telemarketing and cold calling needs. If you put out an advertisement for telemarketers you will probably receive a large amount of responses. This may be especially true in times of high unemployment when there are many people currently searching for jobs. This means many hours of sifting through resumes and then many more hours of conducting interviews. This can be quite time-consuming for businesses requiring a large call volume.

Additionally, the individuals you choose may end up not working out due to incompetence, personality conflicts, or other complications. This means you would have wasted time training the individual only to have to find a replacement. The telemarketing and lead generation fields traditionally have high turnover rates. Outsourcing to a professional call center can allow you to avoid all the headache associated with hiring your own telemarketers. This way your top-level executives and managers can concentrate on more important aspects of your business.

Results-Based Costs

Many business owners prefer to outsource to a call center service provider because they have the option of paying only for produced results. This may be better than paying an hourly wage for a telemarketer, who may or may not be able to generate any actual leads. By opting to pay for only produced results, the contact center provider will be the one who incurs the cost of a telemarketer’s hourly wage. Therefore, it becomes the call center's responsibility to properly train their employees in order to be effective lead generators for your product or service. In this type of payment scheme, you are relieved of the risk associated with hiring your own lead generating team.

Maintaining Control

Despite the potential to greatly increase revenue and eliminate expenses, many business owners shy away from outsourcing because they fear they will not have enough control over how the products or services are being represented. Before making a final decision on which contact center service to hire, you should thoroughly research all options. Most good call center businesses will make it easy for their clients to monitor reports and make suggestions on how telemarketers are generating leads. This should include input on the content of the telemarketing script, as well as, the target demographic of the cold calling lists.

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